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发布日期:2025-01-04 14:58    点击次数:78

线性电磁拌和对高温合金Incoloy800铸态安排的影响选用砂型铸造方法研究了线性电磁拌和对高温合金Incoloy800凝结安排的影响,用电子探针剖析了铸锭中溶质元素的散布规律。实验结果表明:在高温合金砂型铸造的凝结进程中施加线性电磁拌和,可以细化铸锭的等轴晶安排,添加铸锭断面等轴晶的份额;在较低的磁感应强度下,铸锭的微观偏析和微观偏析均比较严重。增强磁感应强度后,由线性电磁拌和引起的对流加速了熔体中过热的耗散,缩短了凝结时间;别的对流充沛混合了熔池内各部分熔体,使得溶质元素在铸锭中的微观偏析和微观偏析得到改进,然后大幅度进步了铸锭质量。The effect of linear electromagnetic stirring on the as cast microstructure of high-temperature alloy Incoloy800The effect of linear electromagnetic stirring on the solidification structure of high-temperature alloy Incoloy800 was studied using sand casting method, and the distribution pattern of solute elements in the ingot was analyzed using electron probes. The experimental results show that applying linear electromagnetic stirring during the solidification process of high-temperature alloy sand casting can refine the equiaxed crystal structure of the ingot and increase the proportion of equiaxed crystals in the cross-section of the ingot; At lower magnetic induction intensities, both macroscopic and microscopic segregation of the ingot are relatively severe. After enhancing the magnetic induction intensity, the convection caused by linear electromagnetic stirring accelerates the dissipation of overheating in the melt and shortens the solidification time; In addition, convection fully mixes various parts of the molten pool, improving the macroscopic and microscopic segregation of solute elements in the ingot, thereby significantly improving the quality of the ingot.转化炉Incoloy800猪尾管爆裂失效剖析某转化炉猪尾管运行进程中发生了断裂失效,使用光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、化学剖析等方法对断裂的管子进行了失效剖析。结果表明,其化学成分满意Incoloy800化工设备要求,安排为奥氏体+碳化物析出相;裂纹沿壁面轴向平行散布,开裂自内壁面起裂,沿裂纹周围析出物含量远高于非裂纹处,内壁侧裂纹断口相对于芯部和外壁侧的裂纹断口滑润,腐蚀产品主要为铬、铁等的氧化物。高温腐蚀疲惫是导致猪尾管断裂失效的主要原因。Failure Analysis of Incoloy800 Pig Tail Tube Burst in Conversion FurnaceDuring the operation of a pig tail pipe in a certain conversion furnace, it broke and failed. The failure analysis of the broken pipe was conducted using methods such as optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and chemical analysis. The results show that its chemical composition meets the requirements of Incoloy800 chemical equipment, and its structure is austenite+carbide precipitate phase; Cracks are distributed parallel to the axial direction along the wall, starting from the inner wall. The content of precipitates around the crack is much higher than that of non crack areas. The fracture surface of the inner wall crack is relatively smooth compared to the fracture surface of the core and outer wall cracks, and the corrosion products are mainly oxides of chromium, iron, etc. High temperature corrosion fatigue is the main cause of fracture and failure of pigtail tubes.晶界工程处理对Incoloy 800合金耐腐蚀功能和力学功能的影响经过扫描电子显微镜(scaJl electron microscopy,SEM)、光学显微镜和电化学工作站剖析研究晶界工程(grain boundary engineering,GBE)工艺对Incoloy 800合金的耐蚀功能和力学功能的影响.Incoloy 800合金在980℃固溶处理15 min,冷轧5%后在980℃退火15 rain,其耐晶间腐蚀才能和临界点蚀电位均显著进步,抗拉强度和δ0.2略有进步,断后伸长率则改变不大.The effect of grain boundary engineering treatment on the corrosion resistance and mechanical properties of Incoloy 800 alloyThe influence of grain boundary engineering (GBE) process on the corrosion resistance and mechanical properties of Incoloy 800 alloy was studied through scanning electron microscopy (SEM), optical microscopy, and electrochemical workstation analysis Incoloy 800 alloy was subjected to a 15 minute solid solution treatment at 980 ℃, followed by a 5% cold rolling followed by an annealing at 980 ℃ for 15 minutes. Its intergranular corrosion resistance and critical pitting potential were significantly improved, and its tensile strength and δ 0.2 slightly increased, while the elongation after fracture did not change significantly

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