Learning@YIHA丨读相伴·声相随 第十周晨读预告 时光匆匆,回首已是四月下旬,我们的早读活动也来到了第十周。终日乾乾,与时偕行。希望各位同学,继续保有饱满的热情,激昂的态度,认真投身于每次早读活动之中,不要松懈,加油! 本期领读人:酒店管理2204班 施芳悦 自我介绍:大家好,大家好,我是来自酒管2204班的施芳悦.央视主持人董卿曾说“人生的意义永远在于拓展 而不在于固守,别管我今天是谁,我只想成为一个更好的自己”而从前的那些羁绊,回头看,轻舟已过万重山。 作文内容The Role of Physical Exercise in Achieving Success at CollegeNowadays, the topic of physical exercise has attracted unprecedented public attention.However, a great number of college students still neglect the important role it plays in achieving success.To list just a few of the benefits of taking physical exercise.First of all, exercise on a regular basis, such as jogging and swimming, enhances our physical health,which, in turn, keeps us energetic and vigorous in academic learning and future working.In addition,sports,such as football and basketball can cultivate our team spirit, communicative competence and leadership,and these vital skills will carry us further in career and social life.Last but not least the sweat from exercise takes away our daily stress and anxiety and participation in sports brings us the spirit of grit-the perseverance for a long-term goal ,even if in adversity.In conclusion,we should never ignore the significance of physical activities. It makes sense when you read the inspiring story of Zhong Nanshan, who keeps the habit of doing exercise from his 20s until now,80s. So, why don't we start now?